All the creativity you see in the world are ideas of certain people. For instance, the design of a house and the materials used therein are results of the imagination of various individuals who have invested physical labour, financial resources, and precious time in conceptualising and producing them. In the past, all inventions were considered public domain until the nineteenth century when the term intellectual property began to be used. Today, manufacturers of devices such as a satellite laptop are already given exclusive rights to their creations as a way of recognising their ingenuity as well as to prevent others from stealing or replicating their ideas without their permission.
In essence, the concept of restricted ownership was influenced mainly by commercial practices. Because of stiff competition, it was a way for establishments to ensure their place in the market much like what laptop companies do these days. As a matter of fact, patents started out as royal grants for monopoly privileges given to merchants by Queen Elizabeth I during the fifteen hundredths. Approximately two hundred years after the end of her reign, it became a legal right acquired by an inventor in order to gain complete control over the production and sale of his goods. But even before that time, its origins can be traced back further that even ancient Jewish laws have similar notions of it. Thus, it would be safe to say that if a home laptop was conceived during that time, the maker would still enjoy the same advantages as he would today.
However, there are many issues concerning patents and trademarks that are getting more attention these days. This is because various industries are facing a number of problems that violate the laws involved. Oftentimes, they lead to crises such as financial loss. In the case of a laptop business, for example, companies are struggling with criminals, who not only threaten their investments but sell poor quality items that could also jeopardise the health and safety of the people. What is worse is that some of those pirates carry famous laptop brands which could ruin reputation and public trust. Hence, intellectual property protection is vital to social, cultural, and economic development. For a deeper understanding you can refer to, and here are its common types.
Trademark: This is a word, phrase, design, symbol or a combination of them all that distinguishes and identifies the source of the items in question. In other words, they are labels, logos, and slogans that you see and read in commercials for products such as a business laptop. Moreover, they serve as an indicator of excellence and inform consumers where to seek help in the event the item fails. This form of quality control has been around for thousands of years that if you visit the Great Wall in China, you will still be able to see such marks on some of the bricks. Needless to say, using this method assures accountability on the part of the maker. If, for example, you bought a new laptop from a reputable brand, you would surely have peace of mind knowing that it is authentic, of good origin, and has a reliable warranty.
Copyrights: They are granted to the author of an original work to exercise control over the distribution and adaptation of his masterpiece. Essentially, the process allows artists to enjoy the fruits of their labour for a specific period of time, until the materials become available for public use. These works include the movies you watch in your laptop, the song you listen to, the books you read, and even the paintings you see in museums. Meanwhile, the owner can freely transfer their license to others.
Copyrights benefit society because they generate a rich cultural menu for citizens. Furthermore, they encourage individuals to share and express their talents as they have the security of being credited for their brilliance. So the next time you make a film using your trusty digital camcorder, you might want to obtain exclusive rights for it just in case it becomes famous in the future.
Patents: They protect inventions such as manufacturing processes, industrial designs, scientific discoveries, and electronic devices like your gaming laptop. Like the previous, the innovator is given unshared permission to profit from his creation for a limited period but in most countries, he is required to reveal how his innovation was made so that the people will understand and learn from it. After that, anybody can produce, sell or use the gadget. The same is true with the process of creating a laptop. While the idea of having a portable computer came from one person, many companies nowadays share the privilege of being able to make and barter them.
Non-disclosure Agreement: This is a legal contract between two groups that ensures the secrecy of pertinent facts about a business or a strategy. The purpose of this is to prevent third parties from accessing sensitive data that could be corrupted, especially for the sake of gaining profit. A hypothetical example for this would be two enterprises that merged to embark on a project like creating the most advanced netbook. In order to prohibit competitors from knowing such venture, everybody who has knowledge about it are compelled by law to keep all information confidential. Otherwise, if one fails to stick to the arrangement, he could be punished.
Cross-licensing: This is also a type of agreement wherein two or more parties grant to use each other’s patents. One particular advantage of this is that it greatly reduces the risk of accidental infringement by reinventing something that already exists. This is true especially when making gadget accessories like a laptop support where the license may not be by the imitator as the item may be perceived as less important. Also, it eliminates litigation expenses as neither establishment can sue or be sued as long as they follow the contract.
On the whole, those procedures mentioned above are very significant in promoting cultural development, safeguarding the public, and fostering growth and innovation and there is more to it as you can read in Without them, various industries including laptop manufacturers might not be able to thrive.