The office of the patents does not grant patents for only ideas or suggestions. One can patent an idea only if the idea is used as means to invent or discover any news and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any news and useful improvement for an already patented invention.
Practically something made by human, prone to the conditions and the conditions of the law, is patentable. To patent an idea one must have an invention, not on simply the idea or the suggestion of a new invention.
A patent is a concession published by the office of patent and registered trademark giving to inventors the right to exclude from others to make, employ, or to sell their invention in the United States. In exchange of this concession, the inventors must reveal their invention with the public in the form of patent application as written in
A patent does not grant to inventors the line to make, employ, sell, or import their inventions – to exclude only from others to make thus.
To patent an idea there must initially be an invention. And to make it possible to patent an idea by the invention, the invention must be considered new. One can patent an idea by the new invention unless to follow one of applied before him was invented:
- he was known or employed by others in the United States.
- it was patented with the United States or the foreign country
- it was described in a publication printed with the United States or the foreign country
One can patent an idea by the new invention unless to follow one of apply more than one year before the date of an patent application:
- it was patented with the United States or the foreign country
- it was described in a publication printed with the United States or the foreign country
- it was in the public use or on sale in the United States.
In order to patent an idea by the invention, the invention must also be regarded as useful, that means it must fulfill a function and do what is envisaged it to do. Moreover, in order to patent an idea the invention must give the new ones and not-obvious results compared with the known approaches as you can read from For example, the substitution of a material for others in an invention or the change of its size is usually not reasons for the patentability. The determination if you can patent of an idea is a complex process. And it better is led under the careful watch of an legal adviser.