If you wear glasses and/or contacts, there are probably times when you find yourself complaining about the hassle of having to take care of and keep track of these aids to proper vision. At the same time, however, you have probably found yourself dealing with much bigger complaints if you have ever ended up in a position where you had to survive without these aids to proper vision for an extended period of time! For this reason, most people imagine that refractive laser eye surgery would be one of the best gifts they could give themselves (or better yet, one of the best gifts someone else could give them!) – but at the same time, most of these people have many questions regarding this sort of corrective eye surgery, and because they never search out answers to these questions, they never enjoy the benefits of laser eye surgery. You can find good information about it on the web.
What is refractive laser eye surgery?
Refractive eye surgery is intended to improve the refractive state of a person’s eye so that they no longer need to wear glasses. This form of eye surgery can fix problems ranging from farsightedness to nearsightedness to astigmatism!
Is refractive laser eye surgery dangerous?
Generally speaking, refractive laser surgery is not dangerous. However, people with certain diseases – such as diabetes or glaucoma – should avoid refractive surgery. Furthermore, those with Keratoconus should avoid having their eye operated on, as such operations can accelerate this condition.