There are many options today for Elder Care at Home. Numerous organizations and individuals provide assistance for people who want their older family members to stay in their homes, as opposed to a nursing home or other extended care facility.
If you are currently in the process of deciding how best to make your parents or grandparents comfortable during their golden years, this article should help. Here we compare the facilities to Elder Care at Home.
Professional Caregiver Providing Elder Care at Home
Although it might not be a major consideration, it is good to know that Elder Care at Home is affordable. The better facilities charge more per day than what you can expect to pay a professional caregiver to stay in your house while you are away. The less expensive facilities are simply unreliable.
Quality of Care:
A recent study conducted in North Carolina revealed that the most common complaint against nursing homes had to do with quality of care. The researchers found that elderly Medicare nursing home residents were the most likely to lodge complaints against the facilities. Investigations and inspections of the facilities involved have shown that the complaints were justified. In some instances Medicare covers some of the costs associated with Elder Care at Home.
Peace of Mind:
One of the main reasons to choose an in home caregiver is peace of mind. You may be worried about leaving mom or dad in the house alone all day, but you would also be worried about the treatment he or she would receive in a nursing home environment.
When you find a caregiver or group of caregivers you can trust, the worry comes to an end. You function better in your daily routine, because there is no nagging fear about what’s going on with your elderly family members. You can call anytime to check on them, without having to deal with a disgruntled nursing home attendant.
Thinking about their parent’s comfort is another reason many people choose Elder Care at Home, instead of a facility. The University of Toledo has conducted studies that have to do with the discomfort of over-crowding.
Elderly patients suffering from dementia are most susceptible to the effects of crowding. Crowding around mealtimes leads some patients to avoid eating in order to avoid the crowds. The noise alone is a constant irritation.
Conversation & Companionship:
Seniors have a lifetime of information stored in their brains. They make interesting conversationalists and companions, especially for young children. While they might not be able to take over your childcare needs, they can certainly spend quality time with your children, if only because they have more time to spend.
People who offer Elder Care at Home provide companionship for the seniors, as well. It is lonely to sit in an empty house all day, just as it is lonely to sit in a room at a facility. People live longer, healthier lives and are less likely to be depressed if they have companionship.